If you wish to be a customer or user of our webshop, please read the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) carefully and use our services only if you agree with all its points and consider them binding on you.

This document is not filed, it is concluded only in electronic form, it does not qualify as a written contract, it is written in Hungarian, it does not refer to a code of conduct. The website / website listed below provides information on the operation, ordering and delivery process. In case of any questions, we are at your disposal at the contact details provided. By signing the services of the online store, anyone is entitled to use them if they register validly and successfully on the website, and accept the terms and conditions of these general terms and conditions. Scope of these GTC on the Service Provider's website for the main domain (femzol.hu) and subdomains (* .femzol.hu).

1. Service provider details.

The name of the service provider: V&V Femzol Kft.

Headquarters of the service provider: 8056 Bakonycsernye, Ady Endre utca 39.

Contact your service provider, a regularly used e-mail address for contacting users: info@femzol.hu

Company registration number: 07 09 026768

Tax number: 24788924207

Language of the contract: Hungarian

Hosting provider: Hostinger (hostinger.hu)

2. Basic provisions.

2.1. Matters not regulated in these Regulations and the interpretation of these Regulations shall be governed by Hungarian law, in particular Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (the “Civil Code”) and the Act on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services 2001. CVIII of the year. (Elker Act) and Decree 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between a consumer and a business. (II. 26.) Government Decree. The mandatory provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply to the parties without any special stipulation.

2.2. These Regulations are effective from November 26, 2020 and will remain in effect until revoked. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the Regulations. The Service Provider will publish the changes on the websites 11 (eleven) days before they enter into force. By using the websites, Users \ Clinics agree that all regulations related to the use of the websites apply to them automatically.

2.3. User \ Clinician, if he / she enters the website / website operated by the Service Provider or reads its content in any way - even if he / she is not a registered user of the website / website, acknowledges the provisions of the Regulations as binding on him / her. If the User \ Customer does not accept the conditions, he is not entitled to view the content of the website.

2.4. The Service Provider reserves all rights with regard to the website / website, any detail thereof and the content appearing on it, as well as the distribution of the website. It is prohibited to download, electronically store, process and sell the contents or any part of the contents appearing on the website / website without the written consent of the Service Provider.


By purchasing / registering on the website, the user declares that he / she has read and accepted the terms and conditions of these GTC and the Data Management Information published on the website, and consents to the data management. The user is obliged to provide his / her own real data during the purchase / registration. In the event of untrue or personally identifiable information provided during the purchase / registration, the resulting electronic contract will be void. The Service Provider excludes its liability if the User uses its services on behalf of another person with the data of another person. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any delivery delays or other problems or errors that can be traced back to the data provided incorrectly and / or inaccurately by the User. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the User forgetting his / her password or making it available to unauthorized persons for any reason not attributable to the Service Provider.

3. Available products.

3.1. The products shown can only be ordered online. The prices shown for the products are in HUF.

3.2. If a special price is introduced, the Service Provider will fully inform the Users \ Customers about the special offer and its exact duration.

3.3. The consumer can download the ordered virtual product for 1 year after paying the purchase price. By paying the purchase price, the consumer acquires the right to use his own purposes for an indefinite period of time and may not sell or transfer the products to other users.

3.4 Due to the fact that the purchased product is protected by copyright, its reproduction and resale is prohibited by the relevant legislation. Accordingly, the purchaser may not transfer or duplicate the product purchased by him. If the buyer violates this prohibition, their account will be temporarily suspended.

4. Order process

4.1. User \ Customer can start the purchase without registering by filling in the order form.

4.2. User \ Customer selects the type of product to be purchased.

4.3. Payment method: direct bank transfer,  PayPal

I note that Femzol Kft. (8056 Bakonycsernye, Ady Endre utca 39.), the following personal data stored in the femzol.hu user database will be transferred to PayPal as a data processor. The data transmitted by the data controller is as follows: name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing address data.

The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor can be viewed in the PayPal Data Management Information, at the following link: https://www.paypal.com/hu/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full

4.4. If there is an error or defect in the products or prices in the webshop or in the order form, we reserve the right to make corrections. In this case, we will inform the customer of the new data immediately after recognizing or modifying the error. The buyer can then confirm the order once again or there is a possibility for either party to withdraw from the contract.

4.5. The final amount to be paid includes all costs based on the order summary and confirmation letter. The invoice will be sent by the service provider after the confirmation email.

4.6. After entering the data, the User \ Customer can send his order by clicking on the "order" button.

4.7. User \ Customer will receive a confirmation e-mail after sending the order. The Service Provider excludes its responsibility for the confirmation if the confirmation is not received in time because the User \ Customer provided incorrect data during his registration \ order or cannot receive a message due to the saturation of the storage space belonging to his account.

5. Order processing and fulfillment

5.1. Orders are processed automatically. In all cases, the Service Provider will confirm electronically when you can fulfill your order.

5.2. General delivery deadline, within 1 working day from payment. If the Service Provider and the User \ Customer have not agreed on the date of performance, the Service Provider shall be obliged to perform according to the contract within the time or time specified in the User \ Customer's request, or no later than thirty days from the receipt of the order by the Service Provider.

5.3. If the Service Provider fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract because the product specified in the contract is not available, it is obliged to inform the User \ Customer immediately and to refund the amount paid by the User \ Customer immediately, but not later than within thirty days.

5.4. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any changes in the technical specifications, specifications, or reasons beyond the control of the Supplier without prior notice. Service Provider reserves the right to reject orders that have already been confirmed in whole or in part. Partial performance can only take place after consultation with the User \ Customer.

6. Right of withdrawal

If the purchaser purchases a physical product, he may withdraw from the purchase of the product within 30 days. The Consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal in such a way that info@femzol.hu indicates your intention by email. You must enter your registered email address and username.

45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between a consumer and a business. (II. 26.) Government Decree):

(a) The consumer shall not exercise his right of withdrawal: in respect of the sale and purchase of a sealed audio or video recording or a copy of a computer software, if the consumer has opened the packaging after delivery;

(b) in the case of digital content provided on a non-tangible medium, where the business has commenced performance with the consumer's express prior consent and the consumer has stated at the same time that he loses his right of withdrawal after the commencement of performance.

45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business in the case of the purchase of a downloadable virtual product. (II. 26.) may not exercise its right of withdrawal:

(a) in the case of a contract for the provision of a service, after the performance of the service as a whole, where the business has started with the consumer's express prior consent and the consumer has acknowledged that he loses his right of termination after the performance of the service as a whole.

7. Warranty

7.1. The Service Provider undertakes a one-year warranty for the products covered by the mandatory warranty. In the case of products not covered by the mandatory warranty, the Service Provider undertakes a warranty for the period and under the conditions possibly undertaken by the manufacturer. The Service Provider shall provide detailed information on the specific conditions of the latter at the request of the Customer.

7.2. Within six months from the date of purchase, the Service Provider will only be released from the warranty if it proves that the defect of the product occurred after delivery to the consumer. Thus, the Service Provider is not obliged to grant the objection if it duly proves that the product has become defective due to improper use. However, six months after performance, the burden of proof will be on the consumer, ie in the event of a dispute, the User \ Customer must prove that the defect already existed at the time of performance. There is no defective performance if the defects of the product are known or recognizable to the Customer.

7.3. The Customer is entitled to enforce the warranty right during the two-year limitation period from the date of performance. If the Customer is unable to enforce his claim for a salvageable reason, in particular if the defect was not recognizable within the above time limit due to its nature or the nature of the thing, the time limit for enforcing the warranty rights is three years from the date of performance.

7.4. The warranty or incurred during the warranty period, warranty or Defects covered by the warranty must be repaired, replaced or re-provided free of charge by the Service Provider. If such errors become known to the Customer, the Customer shall immediately notify the Service Provider in writing of its warranty or guarantee claims.

7.5. The warranty or In order to enforce the warranty, the Customer is obliged to present the invoice or warranty card received from the Service Provider. In case of warranty claim, the Customer

it may primarily require repair or replacement, after which it has the right to reduce or cancel the price. The defect can be considered as warranty or in the case of an objection within 2 months of its discovery. communicated during the warranty period. The Customer shall be liable for any damage resulting from the delay in the communication. In addition to the above, the warranty card included with the product may contain warranty or guarantee terms.

7.6. Service provider is not covered by the warranty or guarantee of the natural

for damage caused by improper or negligent handling, excessive use or effects other than those specified, or other improper use of the products after the transfer of the risk of damage. Supplies warranty

7.7. In what cases can the User \ Customer exercise the right to guarantee the supplies? In the event of faulty performance by the user \ company, the company operating the website / website may enforce a warranty claim against the company in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.

7.8. What rights does the User \ Customer have based on his / her warranty claim? The User \ Customer may, at its option, make the following supply warranty claims: it may request repair or replacement, unless it would be impossible to meet the demand chosen by the User \ Customer or the company would incur disproportionate additional costs compared to the fulfillment of its other needs. If you have not requested or could not request the repair or replacement, you may request a pro rata reduction of the consideration or the fault may be repaired at the expense of the business. You can transfer from the right of the chosen warranty to another, however, the cost of the transfer shall be borne by the User \ Customer, unless it was justified or given by the company.

7.9. What is the deadline for the User \ Customer to claim the supplies?

The User \ Customer is obliged to report the defect immediately after its discovery, but not later than within two months from the discovery of the defect. However, please note that you may no longer assert your warranty rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the performance of the contract.

7.10. Against whom can you assert your warranty claim?

User \ Customer can enforce its warranty claim against the company.

7.11. What are the other conditions for enforcing your warranty rights?

Within six months of the performance, there are no other conditions for enforcing the warranty claim than the notification of the error, if the User \ Customer certifies that the product or service was provided by the company operating the website. However, six months after the performance, the User \ Customer is obliged to prove that the defect recognized by the User \ Customer already existed at the time of performance.

Product warranty

7.12. In what cases can the User \ Customer exercise the product warranty right? In the event of a defect in a movable thing (product), the User \ Customer may, at his or her choice, assert a claim for a warranty for supplies or a product warranty.

7.13. What rights do the User \ Customer have according to his product warranty claim? As a product warranty claim, the User \ Customer may only request the repair or replacement of a defective product.

7.14. In which case is the product considered defective?

A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time of placing on the market or if it does not have the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.

7.15. What is the deadline for the User \ Customer to enforce the product warranty claim?

The User \ Customer may assert his product warranty claim within two years from the placing of the product on the market by the manufacturer. Upon expiry of this period, he shall cease to be entitled to do so.

7.16. Against whom and under what other conditions can you assert your product warranty claim?

You can only make a product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable property. The Defect of the product must be proved by the User \ Customer in the event of a product warranty claim.

7.17. In which cases is the manufacturer (distributor) released from its product warranty obligation?

The manufacturer (distributor) is only released from its product warranty obligation if he can prove that:

  • the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of a non - business activity, or
  • the defect was not recognizable at the time of placing on the market according to the state of the art or
  • the defect in the product is due to the application of legislation or a mandatory official regulation.

It is sufficient for the manufacturer (distributor) to prove a reason for the exemption. Please note that due to the same defect, you cannot assume a warranty claim and a product warranty claim at the same time. However, if your product warranty claim is successfully enforced, you can assert your manufacturer's warranty claim against the manufacturer for the replaced product or repaired part.


7.18. In what cases can the User \ Customer exercise the right to guarantee the supplies?

In the event of defective performance, Decree 151/2003 on the mandatory warranty for certain durable goods. (IX. 22.) the company operating the website is obliged to provide a guarantee.

7.19. What rights and within what time limit does the user \ Customer have under the warranty?

The warranty period is one year. The warranty period begins on the day of delivery of the consumer product to the consumer or, if the installation is carried out by the distributor or his agent.

7.20. When is the business released from its warranty obligation?

The company is only released from its warranty obligation if it proves that the cause of the defect occurred after performance. Please note that due to the same defect, you cannot assert a warranty and guarantee claim or a product warranty and guarantee claim at the same time, otherwise the User \ Customer is entitled to the rights arising from the warranty regardless of the rights described in the product and supplies warranty chapters.

8. Warranty Claim Procedure

8.1. In a contract between a consumer and a business, the agreement of the parties may not deviate from the provisions of the Regulation to the detriment of the consumer.

8.2. It is the consumer's responsibility to prove the conclusion of the contract (by invoice or even just a receipt).

8.3. The business shall keep a record of the consumer's warranty or guarantee claim notified to him.

8.4. A copy of the report shall be provided to the consumer without delay and in a verifiable manner.

8.5. If the business is unable to state the fulfillment of the consumer's warranty or guarantee claim at the time of notification, it shall notify the consumer of its position within five working days in a verifiable manner, including the reason for the rejection and the possibility of recourse to the conciliation body.

8.6. The undertaking must keep the report for three years from the date on which it is taken over and make it available to the inspection authority on request.

8.7. The company must endeavor to carry out the repair or replacement within a maximum of fifteen days.

9. Miscellaneous provisions

9.1. The Service Provider is entitled to use a contributor to fulfill its obligations. The Service Provider is not responsible for the illegal behavior of the contributor.

9.2. If any part of these Terms becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining parts.

9.3. If the Service Provider does not exercise its right under the Regulations, the failure to exercise the right shall not be considered a waiver of the right.

Waiver of any right shall be effective only upon express written notice to that effect. The fact that the Service Provider does not strictly adhere to any of the essential conditions or stipulations of the Regulations does not mean that it waives its strict adherence to the given condition or stipulation at a later date.

9.4. The Service Provider and the User \ Customer try to settle their disputes amicably.

9.5. The User \ Customer guarantees the accuracy of any information provided to the Service Provider (eg: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, billing data, etc.). , may not make any legal or other claim. The Service Provider shall take all necessary measures to obtain the information / data required for the service from the User \ Customer or the

User \ Customer corrects incorrect / incorrect data / data at the request or clarification.

10. Complaints handling procedure

10.1. The goal of our store is to fulfill all orders in the right quality, with the complete satisfaction of the customer. If the User still has a complaint regarding the contract or its performance, he / she may submit his / her complaint to the above telephone, e-mail address or by letter.

10.2. The Service Provider will immediately investigate the verbal complaint and remedy it as necessary. If the customer does not agree with the handling of the complaint, or it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Service Provider shall immediately take minutes of the complaint and its position, and shall provide a copy to the customer.

10.3. You will respond to the Service in writing within 25 days. It shall state the reasons for rejecting the complaint. The Service Provider shall keep the record of the complaint and a copy of the response for five years and present it to the inspection authorities upon request.

10.4. Please note that if your complaint is denied, you can initiate an official or conciliation procedure with your complaint, at the contact details below.

10.5. The Service Provider uses the conciliation panel procedure in order to settle the consumer dispute.

10.6. You can also complain to the National Consumer Protection Authority:

National Consumer Protection Authority Address: 1088 Budapest, József krt. 6.

  • Mailing address: 1428 Budapest, PF: 20.
  • GPS coordinates: X 19.071 Y 47.496
  • Central telephone number: +36 1 459 4800
  • Fax number: +36 1 210 4677 E-mail: nfh@nfh.hu

Or for its territorial bodies: Pest County Government Office

  • Technical Licensing and Consumer Protection Department Deputy Head of Department: Dr. Edit Koller
  • Address: 43-47 Lehel utca, Budapest.
  • Postal address: 1365 Budapest, Pf .: 270.
  • Phone number: +36 1 329-7017, +36 1 236-3900, Fax: +36 1 236-3956
  • E-mail: fogyved.pestmegye@pmkh.hu Customer service (overhead):
  • Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 12:00, 12:30 to 16:00; Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • The list of the territorial bodies of the National Consumer Protection Authority can be found here: http://www.nfh.hu/teruleti

In case of your complaint, you have the opportunity to contact the following conciliation body: Pest County Conciliation Board

  • Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. 2. em. 240.
  • Telephone number: (1) -269-0703; Fax No .: (1) -269-0703 Name: dr. Károly Csanádi
  • E-mail address: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu Website address: www.panaszrendezes.hu
  • You can find the list of conciliation bodies in Hungary here: http://www.ofe.hu/inet/ofe/hu/menu/bekeltetes.html

10.7. The Conciliation Body has the power to settle consumer disputes out of court. The task of the conciliation body is to try to reach an agreement between the parties in order to settle the consumer dispute, failing which it will decide on the matter in order to ensure simple, fast, efficient and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. At the request of the consumer or the Service Provider, the conciliation body shall advise on the rights and obligations of the consumer.

10.8. In the case of a cross-border consumer dispute related to an online sales contract or an online service contract, only the conciliation body operating under the auspices of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry has jurisdiction.

10.9. The Service Provider is obliged to cooperate in the conciliation panel proceedings. In this context, it shall send its reply to the conciliation body and ensure the participation of the person authorized to reach an agreement at the hearing. If the registered office or premises of the company is not registered in the county of the chamber operating the conciliation body with territorial jurisdiction, the obligation of the company to cooperate extends to offer the possibility of concluding a written agreement in accordance with the needs of the consumer.

11. Data Management

According to the current legislation on accounting, we store the billing address provided by the customer and the data of the invoices for the period specified in the decree, five years.

You can access the privacy statement by clicking on the link below: